Facial Plastic Microsurgery is one of the most important scientific and technological advances of modern medicine, because it completely changes the shape and methodology of performing plastic surgeries of the face using the microscope and endoscopes to achieve beautiful natural results that positively impact the lives of people who undergo this surgery.
Dr. Luis Alfonso Parra Duque in his desire to achieve perfection, make his surgeries true works of art, perform precise procedures, with minimal trauma and achieve unique and wonderful results, Since 1988, he uses only and exclusively microsurgical techniques to perform plastic surgeries of the nose, eyelids, chin, ears and facial rejuvenation.

The main advantages of Microsurgery are various: it allows performing all surgeries with micrometric precision, through small incisions, with minimal invasion, slight surgical trauma, less bleeding and therefore less inflammation, pain and post-surgical discomfort, minimizing the risks of sequels, complications and speeding recovery.

Microsurgery is performed using the surgical microscope, which has a powerful lighting system and a zoom to magnify images and perform procedures of high complexity such as repairing small blood vessels, nerves and tissue transplantation. Microsurgery is the link on which Facial Plastic Microsurgery, Robotic Surgery and Nanosurgery are based.